Xerox MFP cost calculation form

Get the best deal for your used Xerox MFP

If you have a used Xerox MFP and are looking to sell it, you have the opportunity to get the best deal possible for your device. Whether it's a model like the Xerox WorkCenter, Xerox Phaser, or any other, the following tips will help you find the best deal possible. It's best to contact a professional Xerox MFP buyback company. 

One of the fastest ways to sell your used Xerox MFP is to contact PBY.COM.UA, a service that specializes in accepting used computer equipment. Our service knows how to quickly assess the real value of devices and offer an adequate price for your Xerox laser MFP. You can evaluate the device by submitting an application on the website.

Assess the condition of your device. Before selling your used Xerox MFP, it's important to assess its condition. Make sure it's working properly, has all the features you need, and is in good external condition. If the device needs any repairs or replacement parts, it is recommended that you do so before selling it to ensure the best value.

Next, you need to fill out an application for the evaluation of a multifunctional device in working condition, which can be done through our website. The application must indicate the model, year of manufacture, technical condition, valid warranty, and any defects (if any). Photos of the device from different angles may affect the speed of equipment evaluation.