Computer cost calculation form

Technologies are developing at a frantic pace, each novelty of the market literally in a few years becomes irrelevant, especially for specialized computer equipment. Professional programs and games are updated, supplemented with new functions, this leads to increased requirements and modernization of the hardware itself. Many users and companies are faced with a constant problem, it's time to buy new computer equipment, and where to sell the used PC so that the process takes the least amount of time and labor, and the cost of obsolete equipment is decent. knows the answer to the question of how to quickly sell a computer or how to organize the renewal of office equipment for modern models, whether it be computers or other.

Our services

We buy out office computers and all equipment that is morally obsolete and no longer meets the tasks assigned to it, no matter what condition it is in. specialists are ready to diagnose, evaluate and buy out all types of office equipment, including:

  • Computer parts;

  • Servers;

  • laptops;

  • Uninterruptible power supplies;

  • Cables;

  • Monitors, keyboards, mice and more.

The task is to sell a non-working computer, we will help with this, we will carry out diagnostics and within a few days and send an offer indicating the cost of the equipment you specified. 

Anyone can contact us, as our organization buys computers from companies and individuals (small and large wholesale). It does not matter whether it is one position or a large office is being reorganized with dozens of jobs and complex network equipment.. 

Our company buys computers in any condition not older than 12 years, any monitors, except for lamp ones, all equipment that is out of order or outdated. We will also take care of its removal.

Used computer price

The answer to the question - how much does a BU computer cost will come to you within a few days after being examined by specialists and diagnosing its condition. In order to carry out diagnostics, you can bring the technician to our office or call employees directly to the place of the transaction.

For example, in order to sell a gaming computer, it is easier to bring it to us or send it by mail, and in the event of a closure or mass renewal of office equipment, it is advisable to call specialists at your location. Equipment evaluation is free. Possible cash and non-cash payment with a full package of legal documents.