Cost estimation form for a nonworking computer

Selling a non-working computer is real!

If you have an idle computer that takes up space and is useless, you can consider selling it or giving it away for spare parts. In this article, we'll look at how to sell a broken computer, and also talk about buying up broken PCs for parts.

If you decide to sell a broken computer, the first step is to estimate its value. The price of a defective PC may depend on various factors, such as the make, model, year of manufacture, availability of working components, nature of the malfunction, etc. On average, the price of a non-working computer is 10 to 50% of the price of a working device.

To sell a computer, you can use various platforms or entrust it to a professional. The PBY.COM.UA service has been successfully buying used computers in Kyiv for a long time. Our company has been specializing in the purchase of computer equipment, including gaming PCs, for many years. We will provide you with favorable conditions and guarantee a safe transaction.

If you have a faulty computer that is no longer repairable, you can consider selling it for spare parts. Buying faulty PCs for spare parts is a popular trend in the computer market. You can easily fill out an application on the PBY.COM.UA website, ideally bringing your PC to the office. In this case, our specialist will be able to diagnose the individual parts of the computer device and announce the likely cost of the entire non-working computer.

A non-working computer can become an additional source of income if you sell it or sell it for spare parts. We recommend using specialized services to sell a faulty PC. In addition, you should not forget about the possibility of disposing of a non-working computer in accordance with environmental regulations.